Kai West Schlosser




Freedom Grams
AROYA, 2022

What got them in prison can now get them out. 
Freedom Grams is a cannabis brand where each pack contains the exact amount of cannabis that got someone into prison. But now it can help get them out. All proceeds fund legal action, enabling consumers to use their freedom to free others.

Art direction, design concept, strategy, project management, outreach, pitch development, sourcing, PR, experience design, packaging design, identity design, digital design, UX/UI, AR, audio production, photo & video production, print & packaging production, digital production, 3D printing

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Webiste, Behance, Awards

Founded by members of the cannabis industry AROYA and GABY Inc. along with nonprofit Last Prisoner Project, Freedom Grams is a platform for the cannabis industry and its consumers. Anyone, from growers to retailers, can join the initiative and use the Freedom Grams label on their products to collect funds for Last Prisoner Project.

Anyone can submit cases of people they may know facing this injustice and feature them on the Freedom Grams platform. Along with packaging, various merchandise was produced as a part of the Freedom Grams platform, including rolling papers, lighters, matchbooks, and grinders.

The grinder is 3D printable and made of orange filament. Each grinder features the F.G monogram. The three-piece structure follows the design themes of the project and is available as an open-source asset for the public.

The design system is based on prison bars from which generative typography literally breaks free, symbolizing the project’s theme of liberation.

The custom type has two fonts: extended and condensed. Each character was constructed from two perspectives — from inside the grid and outside to show the contradiction between the treatment of consumers and cannabis prisoners. The brand monogram represents the unusual amounts (in grams) of cannabis, precise up to one decimal point.

Users can explore more data on the website, with all cases, more information and ways to act like submitting cases, signing petitions, and engaging with grassroots action groups.

The custom label generator and type tool uses generative design to produce labels based on user-submitted data.

The individual stories can be explored on the packaging itself through an AR filter.

The editorial on the website features evocative photography on cannabis consumption and prisons in the U.S.


Serviceplan Innovation, Moby Digg, STD.DEV, Imad El Rayess, Aldesign, kimera, Ewelina Bialoszewska, Fabio Ziplies, Ashwin Suresh, Gaby, Off Studios, Eat, Sleep + Design, DiGennaro Communications, MassiveVoices, 86Tales



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©2025 Kai West Schlosser