Kai West Schlosser




Dot Pad
Dot, 2022

The first smart tactile graphics display for the visually impaired.
While most people rely on visuals to understand complex topics, the 285 million blind and visually impaired people worldwide are left out. Dot Pad bridges the gap and makes graphical content accessible like never before. It can display any visual content from any source because the innovative Dot Image Processing technology uses Al to analyze and understand visual input and present it most accurately on Dot Pad’s tactile display of 2,400 dots.

Art direction, strategy, project management, outreach, client communication, PR, experience design, digital design, UX/UI, photo & video production, digital production

See more:
Webiste, CES, SXSW, Awards

Dot Actuator Technology
The patented Dot actuator technology 3.0 makes Dot Pad more than ten times smaller, lighter and more energy efficient than existing tactile devices.

Dot Image Processor
Dot Image Processor is an AI that was trained with millions of existing visual and tactile graphics, to be able to analyze, understand and segment visual content, and translate it to tactile graphics most suitable for blind users.

Dot Tactile Cloud Library
The processor also scans a cloud database of existing tactile images for matches. This reduces processing time and ensures that high-quality graphics can be reused.

iOS & iPadOS Integration
Thanks to a partnership with Apple, Dot Pad integrates seamlessly with iOS and iPadOS, thereby giving users access to the 2.2 million apps on the App Store, out of the box.

For the first time, visually impaired people can access any visual content on the internet. Dot Pad encourages independent learning, creates further employment opportunities, and empowers diverse artists and creators.

To create further software and hardware support for tactile graphics, Dot Inc. is in touch with major players in the field to create a unified tactile graphic file format and a dedicated open database of tactile graphics.

By partnering with institutions and organizations for education, entertainment, marketing, healthcare, and governance, Dot Inc. is making Dot Pad accessible to individuals.

Serviceplan Innovation, Serviceplan Korea, Paulus, ASTRAL Kreativ, Ashwin Suresh, MassiveVoices



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©2025 Kai West Schlosser